Community Involvement

GSNH promotes social involvement through community-based initiatives. We actively participate in and / or sponsor many charitable initiatives throughout the year. The range of initiatives offers our lawyers and staff meaningful opportunities for personal growth, while contributing to the improvement of our communities.
We also support our own unique charity, The Michael Kamin Hart Memorial Scholarship . Michael Hart, the late son of Goldman Sloan Nash & Haber’s Murray Hart, was a promising 2nd-year Masters student at McMaster University with a research quest into antibiotic resistance that had potential to alter science. And while cancer caused his untimely death, Michael Kamin Hart’s spirit at McMaster endures. A new endowed scholarship fund was established in 2011 to honour Michael.
GSNH regularly supports community based initiatives including the following:
- Baycrest
- Canadian Blood Services
- Daily Bread Food Bank
- Dress for Success
- Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer
- Habitat for Humanity Canada
- Jewish Family and Child Service of Greater Toronto
- Lawyers Feed the Hungry
- Lions Recycle for Sight
- Mazon Canada
- National Denim Day
- Second Harvest
- Tour for Life
- World Wildlife Fund
Green Projects
Paper Reduction
GSNH is not a paperless business, however, we are taking steps to reduce usage by distributing documents electronically, sending e-cards and e-invitations for holidays and event planning and distributing pay stubs via epost.
Water Conservation
All GSNH staff and lawyers use refillable water bottles and our clients are provided with glass and ceramic cups during office visits. GSNH’s washrooms are retrofitted with automatic sinks to significantly reduce our water consumption.
GSNH recycles and reduces waste daily in our office environment, from paper, to cans & bottles and printer toner cartridges.
GSNH has battery recycle stations located in various locations of our offices, and have motion sensor lights installed in strategic areas to cut down on power consumption through empty/quiet office hours. As well, we use an electronic document management system to share information with lawyers, staff and clients further reducing the need to print on paper.
A simple cut to your finger could leave you fighting for your life. Luck will play a bigger role in your future than any doctor could.
The most basic operations – getting an appendix removed or a hip replacement – could become deadly.
Cancer treatments and organ transplants could kill you.
Childbirth could once again become a deadly moment in a woman’s life.
It’s a future without antibiotics.[1]
The Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research (IIDR) at McMaster University is a world-leading centre of transdisciplinary infectious disease research in the fields of virology, immunology, bacterial pathogenesis and population biology and epidemiology.
Michael Hart, the late son of Goldman Sloan Nash & Haber’s Murray Hart, was a promising 2nd-year Masters student at McMaster University pursuing research in the area of antibiotic resistance when he died from cancer. The Michael Kamin Hart Memorial Scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate, a Masters and a PHD student who each demonstrate academic excellence and leadership – the same enthusiasm for science as Michael.
These students are passionate about discovering solutions to global antibiotic resistance – a situation the World Health Organization calls an international public health threat.
Thanks to your generosity, the scholarship has established itself as one of the Institute’s most prestigious awards. Your awareness of this threat and donation in support of these spirited, hard-working young scientists will greatly help to continue this critical research, advancing medical science for the betterment of humankind.
If you wish to make a donation to The Michael Kamin Hart Memorial Scholarship, please make your cheque payable to McMaster University and add ‘’The Michael Kamin Hart Memorial Scholarship’ on the memo line. Please mail your cheque to:
McMaster University
Attn: Janice St-Denis
Associate Director, Development
1280 Main Street West, HSC 2E46
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4L8
[1] BBC News, James Gallagher, Analysis: Antibiotic Apocalypse, November 2015
Some members of Goldman Sloan Nash & Haber (GSNH) LLP have established their reputation by being recognized as leaders in Canadian and international directories including Lexpert, The Best Lawyers in Canada, Who’s Who Legal and Lexpert/American Lawyer Media Top 500 Lawyers in Canada.
Recipient of Award for Excellence in Alternative Dispute Resolution
Thanks to GSNH’s commitment to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and setting a successful benchmark for addressing resolution, prevention and management of major disputes, in 2011, GSNH was named the CPR Institute’s (The International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution) first Law Firm Award for Excellence in ADR for a Small Law Firm.
You have the business goals. We have the legal talent and expertise.
Dedicated to your success.
- Michael Kamin Hart Memorial Scholarship
- Charity Initiatives
A simple cut to your finger could leave you fighting for your life. Luck will play a bigger role in your future than any doctor could.
The most basic operations – getting an appendix removed or a hip replacement – could become deadly.
Cancer treatments and organ transplants could kill you.
Childbirth could once again become a deadly moment in a woman’s life.
It’s a future without antibiotics.[1]
The Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research (IIDR) at McMaster University is a world-leading centre of transdisciplinary infectious disease research in the fields of virology, immunology, bacterial pathogenesis and population biology and epidemiology.
Michael Hart, the late son of Goldman Sloan Nash & Haber’s Murray Hart, was a promising 2nd-year Masters student at McMaster University pursuing research in the area of antibiotic resistance when he died from cancer. The Michael Kamin Hart Memorial Scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate, a Masters and a PHD student who each demonstrate academic excellence and leadership – the same enthusiasm for science as Michael.
These students are passionate about discovering solutions to global antibiotic resistance – a situation the World Health Organization calls an international public health threat.
Thanks to your generosity, the scholarship has established itself as one of the Institute’s most prestigious awards. Your awareness of this threat and donation in support of these spirited, hard-working young scientists will greatly help to continue this critical research, advancing medical science for the betterment of humankind.
If you wish to make a donation to The Michael Kamin Hart Memorial Scholarship, please make your cheque payable to McMaster University and add ‘’The Michael Kamin Hart Memorial Scholarship’ on the memo line. Please mail your cheque to:
McMaster University
Attn: Janice St-Denis
Associate Director, Development
1280 Main Street West, HSC 2E46
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4L8
[1] BBC News, James Gallagher, Analysis: Antibiotic Apocalypse, November 2015
Some members of Goldman Sloan Nash & Haber (GSNH) LLP have established their reputation by being recognized as leaders in Canadian and international directories including Lexpert, The Best Lawyers in Canada, Who’s Who Legal and Lexpert/American Lawyer Media Top 500 Lawyers in Canada.
Recipient of Award for Excellence in Alternative Dispute Resolution
Thanks to GSNH’s commitment to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and setting a successful benchmark for addressing resolution, prevention and management of major disputes, in 2011, GSNH was named the CPR Institute’s (The International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution) first Law Firm Award for Excellence in ADR for a Small Law Firm.
You have the business goals. We have the legal talent and expertise.
Dedicated to your success.